Troubleshooting Guide
Heating & Cooling (HVAC)
Air Conditioning & Cooling
Are you experiencing an issue with air conditioning properly cooling your rental home? Let’s check a few things to see what might be the issue. In addition to the below troubleshooting items, please also keep in mind some environmental impacts that we’d like you to consider.
Consider some Environmental Impacts.
It is not uncommon for areas of The Outer Banks to experience summertime temperatures of 90 degrees or higher, with high humidity and heat indices well in the 100’s. Under these severe conditions, your rental home’s Air Conditioning may struggle to perform, particularly on upper levels. Temperature readings of 80 or higher may be expected in the more sun-exposed rooms without window treatments.
To offset these impacts, please see below:
- Close all windows,
window-treatments , and doors - Use ceiling fans, if available
- Keep thermostat settings AT or ABOVE 72 to prevent system failure.
Check to see if any windows or doors are open in the affected area.
Any such opening can cause the cool air to escape before it sufficiently cools any area.
- Draw any curtains, blinds, sashes, or other window-treatments (if available) as highly sun-lit rooms will heat more rapidly during summer afternoon hours.
- Using ceiling fans will improve cool air-flow.
Check the nearest Thermostat in the affected area.
- Is the Display ON?
- Be sure the settings are on COOL and AUTO.
- BE ADVISED -- setting the Thermostat temperature below 72 may cause the system to overwork itself, leading to exterior coil damage and system failure.
- If the Display is OFF or BLANK, we suggest checking to see if the Thermostat needs new batteries. You can usually check and replace batteries by gently removing the faceplate.
Check inside air-flow from vents and returns.
- Is there ANY air-flow from vents in the affected area?
- If the air-flow is COOL, the system may need more time to improve comfort in this area.
- If the air-flow is WARM or STAGNANT, check Thermostat settings to be sure the system has power.
Check outside Unit/Fan.
- If you can comfortably and safely locate it, please check to see if the outside HVAC unit seems to be running.
- If the unit seems to have no power, check Thermostat settings.
- If there is visible ICE accumulation on the unit, the system is beginning to “freeze up” due to overworking itself. Please turn off the “cool” setting at the Thermostat and just leave the unit fan running in order to allow the unit to thaw and prevent further damage.
Are you experiencing an issue with the heat properly warming your rental home? Let’s check a few things to see what might be the issue. In addition to the below troubleshooting items, please also keep in mind some environmental impacts that we’d like you to consider.
Consider some Environmental Impacts.
It is not uncommon for areas of The Outer Banks to experience winter temperatures at, or below, freezing (32 degrees or lower). Winter storms can be frequent, persistent, and intense with wind-chills and frozen precipitation exacerbating the effects of the cold. Under these extreme conditions, your rental home’s HVAC system may struggle to perform, particularly on lower levels. Larger homes may require an extended period of time to allow the HVAC system to effectively warm all areas.
To offset these impacts, please see below:
- Close all windows and doors that have exterior access.
- Take note of any active drafts coming through door/window jambs. Blocking drafts with towels, blankets, or otherwise may mitigate this effect.
- Closing interior doors to bedrooms or isolated areas may allow that
particularly room to retain heat.
Check the nearest Thermostat in the affected area.
- Is the Display ON?
- Be sure the settings are on HEAT and AUTO.
- If the Display is OFF or BLANK, we suggest checking to see if the Thermostat needs new batteries. You can usually check and replace batteries by gently removing the faceplate.
Check inside air-flow from vents and returns.
- Is there ANY air-flow from vents in the affected area?
- If the air-flow is WARM, the system may need more time to improve comfort in this area.
- If the air-flow is COOL or STAGNANT, check Thermostat settings to be sure the system has power.
If you should need any additional assistance, please reach out to our offices at (252) 457-1504.
Electronics & Entertainment
Are you experiencing difficulty with your TV’s, Cable, Wifi, Theater Equipment, or Sound System? Let’s check a few things to see what might be the issue. In addition to the below troubleshooting suggestions, please keep in mind that many of these systems feature different makes, models, and Service Providers. The more details you can gather may expedite a resolution.
Wifi Concerns
Network and Password Issues
- Your rental home’s Wifi network name and password should be printed on your check-in materials, provided in your arrival packet. If there is no printed information, this Wifi information may be posted in the home in a common location such as a great-room or kitchen.
- If you check-in materials provide a network name but no password, the network may not require a password at all.
- If your network requires a password but one is not provided, the landline telephone number of the rental home is usually the default password. This number should be printed on your check-in materials.
- Network and password information may also be printed on the physical modem or router in the home. This might be displayed on a sticker, usually on the back or top of the unit. Modems and routers are usually found in common areas such as great rooms, kitchens, or game rooms.
Connectivity Issues
If you are unable to connect to the network or experience unusually slow or intermittent service, you may need to power cycle the modem and router. This often serves as a reboot to the system and can restore service. Service issues may be indicated by yellow, orange, or red lights (sustained or blinking) on the modem or router. To perform a power cycle, please proceed below.
- Unplug the modem, then unplug the router (if there is one available). Next, disconnect the coax cable from the modem.
- DO NOT RESET THE MODEM. A hard reset involves pushing a very small internal button on the back of the modem with a slim object, such as a toothpick or pin. A hard reset of this sort puts the device back into factory default settings and which may require a service call to the provider.
- After at least 60 seconds, Screw the coax cable back into the modem and plug the modem back in. Allow all lights to power back on a reach an idle state (usually a green glow).
- After the modem is fully powered up, plug the router back in. Allow all of its lights to power back on and reach an idle state (usually a green glow).
- Service should be restored, though you may need to refresh the “available networks” tab on your device.
Bear in mind, some areas of The Outer Banks experience routinely slow and spotty Wifi connections due to the remote and isolated nature of the area. This is an especially common nuisance in the 4x4 beaches, north of Corolla.
Hardware Issues
- Please be sure all Wifi components are fully plugged into their power source. Check to be sure all wires and plugs are resting securely into their respective outlets.
- If any components have no power, check to see if the power outlet to which they are connected has a GFI switch that may need to be reset. If other items in this area are without power, a breaker may be tripped.
- Make sure your Wifi capabilities are turned ON on your device. Check your Wifi settings to be sure the device is not in airplane mode or some other idle status. The F12 Key on some models of
computer may also serve as the ON/OFF button for Wifi connectivity. Check to see if this needs to be pushed if you are attempting to connect with a laptop.
Troubleshooting Directly with Local Service Providers
If any of the above suggestions do not resolve your issue, we have several local Internet Service Providers who can work with you directly to diagnose, troubleshoot, and resolve
Please keep in mind that these Service Providers may require some basic home information in order to troubleshoot and check service. Refer to your check-in materials so that you have the home address and landline telephone number available for reference. If you do not have any of this information available, please call our offices for assistance. It is also helpful to call most Service Providers from the landline telephone number in your rental home as this is often tied directly to the account in question.
- Twiddy CenturyLink → 1-800-821-2589
- Silicon Travel → 1-800-459-2256
- Mircocharged → 252-255-8038
Renternet → 252-261-6576Skyenet → 866-759-3638
If you home
TV & Cable Concerns
Cable Access, Hardware, & Power
While all Twiddy rental homes feature either Cable or Satellite service, not every TV in the home is guaranteed to have access to this service. TV’s that are not connected to cable or satellite should have streaming capabilities or be accompanied by a DVD or Blu-Ray player. Unless advertised otherwise, the main great-room TV is the only unit guaranteed to feature this service; all others are subject to change.
- If the TV is connected to a cable box, it should have access to cable or satellite service.
- Please be sure all components (TV, cable boxes, receivers, etc) are fully plugged into their power source. Check to be sure all wires and plugs are resting securely into their respective outlets.
- If any components have no power, check to see if the power outlet to which they are connected has a GFI switch that may need to be reset. If other items in this area are without power, a breaker may be tripped.
Connectivity Issues
If your TV is meant to have cable service, has power, but is not displaying picture or sound, it is likely the TV and its components are on incompatible settings or
- Using the remote that matches the make of the TV, press the “Source” or “Input” button to see if toggling to another selection resolves the issue.
- If the cable box or TV screen displays an error message, we advise you to call our offices so we can assist further in arranging a troubleshooting call with the service provider.
- If multiple TV’s throughout the home are experiencing the same error message or service issue, this could indicate an
area wide outage, though we still advise calling our offices to arrange a troubleshooting call with the service provider. - If only one TV is experiencing the issue, there may be a problem with that specific cable box or a simple setting or power issue, as described in the previous suggestions. If no issue can be found with the “Source” or “Input” settings, connecting cables, or power, we advise calling our offices to arrange a troubleshooting call with the service provider.
- A cable box displaying an error message can sometimes be reset by performing a simple power-cycle. This can be performed by unplugging the cable box from its power source and allowing it to rest for 60 seconds or more. Plugging it back in should restore power and may return the box to normal service settings, much like a computer reboot. Make sure all other components connected to this unit are powered OFF while attempting this resolution.
Theater & Sound Equipment
Theater and sound equipment vary widely in make, model, and configuration. As such, we do not advise you attempt troubleshooting beyond checking input/source settings and that components are receiving power. Since some cables and connections may be wired into hard-to-reach locations such as cabinets or recesses, we advise calling our offices for further assistance.
If you should need any additional assistance, please reach out to our offices at (252) 457-1504.
Are you experiencing an issue with a household appliance in your rental home? Let’s check a few things to see what might be the issue. In addition to the below troubleshooting items, please also keep in mind that our Offices in Duck and Corolla stock some basic replacement appliances in case yours is missing or broken.
Missing or Broken Appliances
Our Service Technicians are great at assessing and repairing common appliances. However, if for any reason the appliance in question appears to be in total disrepair or missing altogether, please see below for some items we keep stocked at both the Duck and Corolla offices. If you are able to
- Basic drip-style coffee makers
- Blenders
- Toasters
On turnover days, refrigerators can take up to 24 hours to fully cool. Upon arrival
- Refrain from putting the fridge or freezer on their lowest/coldest settings, as this can cause the system to overwork itself, leading to mechanical damage or failure. We recommend maintaining moderate or medium temperature settings.
- Housekeeping would have had the unit open for an extended period of time to clean and sanitize the fridge prior to your arrival. During this time, the fridge would have remained open and took on warmer outside air. The fridge may take some time to regulate its internal temperature back to normal.
- Refrain from packing your fridge with bulk amounts of warm food items upon arrival. This can drastically slow the cooling process, as the fridge will have to work harder and longer to cool everything.
- Adding pre-chilled items, such as cold soda cans, to the fridge can assist in the cooling process.
- Remove non-essential or non-perishable food items from the fridge during the initial “cool-down” period. We recommend placing un-chilled soda cans, water bottles, and similar items in coolers until the fridge has caught itself up.
- For any food items that MUST directly go into the fridge, be sure that they are not blocking any of the cooling vents so that airflow can properly circulate.
If none of the above has explained or resolved the issue by the following day, please call our offices for further assistance.
Stoves & Ovens
Stoves and ovens vary in make, model, and fuel source. As such, troubleshooting tips are limited as appliance specialists may be required to properly diagnose and resolve issues. However, we can advise a few of the following tips.
Individual burners are not heating
If your stovetop is a traditional electric model with removable coiled burners, you may need to check that the burner itself is plugged in securely. Housekeeping may have removed these coils prior to your arrival for cleaning, and may not have correctly plugged them back in. Make sure
The ignitor is not sparking/lighting the gas burner
If available, we may advise you use a grill-lighter or extended length match to ignite the burner.
If none of the above has explained or resolved the issue, please call our offices for further assistance.
The grill is out of propane
Check the grill itself to see if it has a propane gas tank attached to its regulator. Keep in mind, some grills are “hard-lined’, and feature a gas line instead of a dedicated tank. If the grill does not appear to be hard-lined, check the grilling area for a spare tank. If one is not available, you can exchange the empty tank for a new one at either of our office locations. You can also purchase your own tank or refill at a local hardware or grocery store. In this instance, please save your receipt and Twiddy will reimburse you for the expense. If you are unable to make it to an office or a store, Twiddy can also deliver a replacement tank. Please bear in mind that we cannot guarantee delivery times, as our Field Staff is actively prioritizing and responding to emergencies and maintenance concerns. Gas refills for hard-lined equipment must be handled by third-party Gas Service Providers, which may be coordinated through Twiddy.
The grill is dirty
It is the departing guests’ responsibility to clean the grill with the provided brush. If the previous tenant did not perform this courtesy, we may advise igniting the grill and allowing it to heat to a high temperature. Once the grill is hot, scrubbing the grates with the grill brush should easily remove any food scraps, drippings, or buildup. If you do not have a grill brush, one can be picked up from either of our office locations, or we can have one delivered.
The grill is not reaching full temperature
This may indicate an issue with the gas regulator, which is the connection between the gas tank and the grill regulating the amount of gas reaching the burners. You can perform a reset of the regulator by doing the following. Make sure the gas tank’s valve is turned to the closed or off position. Make sure all burner knobs are in the off position. Next, detach the tank from the regulator. After a few minutes, reattach the gas tank to the regulator. Before use, make sure you turn on the gas at the tank valve BEFORE turn the burner knobs to the on position. Turning on the gas out of sequence is what causes the regulator to go “out-of-whack”.
The grill is in disrepair
If there are broken knobs, burners, handles, or any general damage to the grill, please call our offices for further assistance so we can coordinate a repair or replacement.
Laundry - Washers & Dryers
Washers and dryers vary widely in make and model. As such, troubleshooting is limited as they often require appliance specialists to diagnose most issues. However, please bear in mind some of the following to improve and maintain their performance.
Check and clear dryer vents and lint traps
Clearing the dryer of any excess lint or obstructions in the vents can greatly increase performance. If your laundry is not drying efficiently, this is the most common source of the issue.
Limit load size
Clothes or towels that are heavily drenched with water will dry at a much slower rate, especially if loaded into the unit in bulk. This can also damage the dryer due to the weight and strain this imposes on the moving parts. The same is true of washers: an excessive load will hinder performance and can cause damage.
While not an appliance in the traditional sense, elevators can be considered as such. This amenity is intended to assist the infirm and aid in the transportation of luggage, groceries, and other items. Please keep in mind children are not allowed to ride or operate the elevator unattended due to the risk of serious injury. Please follow all posted safety instructions. See below for further best practices and a few troubleshooting tips.
The elevator is not calling to a particular floor
Make sure all the entry doors for the elevator are closed on each level of the home. Accordion doors, when present, also should be fully closed before the elevator will respond. If any of these doors are open or ajar, the elevator may not work, as a safety precaution.
Someone is stuck inside the elevator
If you can communicate
Best Practices & Reminders
- Do not attempt to exit the elevator until the cab has come to a full resting stop. A premature exit may cause the elevator to default into a safety mode that prevents further use.
- Do not use the elevator during storms due to the potential for a power outage.
- Children may not ride or operate the elevator without the accompaniment of an adult.
- Do not reach fingers, hands, or limbs into the elevator shaft, even if the cab is in a resting stopped position.
- Advise our offices if any features of the elevator are not working, such as lights, telephone, or buttons.
If you should need any additional assistance, please reach out to our offices at (252) 457-1504.
Power Outages
Are you experiencing loss of power in your rental home? Let’s check a few things to see what might be the issue. Pay particular note as to whether the power outage is isolated to a single outlet, a single room, a specific area of the home, or is affecting the entire home. In addition to the below troubleshooting items, please also keep in mind that The Outer Banks is especially susceptible to
Power is out on a single outlet
If your issue seems to be isolated to a single outlet, the outlet itself may need to be reset or there could be a tripped breaker. See below for how to proceed.
If the outlet features a “TEST” and “RESET” button
This indicates that the outlet type is a GFCI, which stands for Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter. This type of outlet can prevent electrical shock in wet locations such as bathrooms, kitchens, decks, or pool areas. Moisture may have caused the outlet to default to a safety mode where power is shut off. If this is the case, and you are comfortable doing so, you may press the “RESET” button to restore power.
The outlet features no buttons; only plugs/ports
These standard outlet types do not feature dedicated control buttons.
Power is out in a single room or area
This issue is most commonly caused by a tripped breaker. Be advised that panel boxes may be located in several areas of the home.
The most common reason for tripped breakers is overloading the circuits. This occurs when too many major devices or appliances that consume power
Power is out to the entire home
This issue is most commonly caused by area-wide storm impacts. Heavy wind, rain, and fallen tree-limb debris often disrupt power to entire communities. Use caution when navigating your home in the dark.
We advise calling the local power provider, Dominion Power, at 866-366-4357. If available, it is advised you call them directly from the landline house phone, as this may help expedite your service request. If you are able to connect to Wifi, you can also visit their website, to see if the outage is
You may also call our offices and we can assist in placing an outage report or checking for an ETA of restoration.
If you should need any additional assistance, please reach out to our offices at (252) 457-1504.
Pest Control
The Outer Banks is the ideal environment for multiple species of insects and pests, with its warm and humid summer climate and various bodies of water. Areas closest to the Sound host an especially large population of spiders, flies, midges, palmetto-bugs, and mosquitos. Ants are prevalent in sandier areas closer to the beach. Given the nature of this habitat, it is not uncommon for you to encounter any of these pests in and around your rental home as they seek out cooler temperatures, sources of water, and food. If you need to mitigate the presence of any such pests, we may suggest some of the following solutions.
Pest Prevention
- Turn off any unnecessary exterior lights at night, as these will attract large numbers of flying insects. Pool, deck, porch, and driveway lights (among others) are the most common areas where
these pest may congregate. Closing window shades at night can also reduce any attraction from interior light. - Be sure slider doors, entryways, and windows are closed.
- Secure food items away in sealed containers, coolers, or fridges.
- Remove trash regularly.
Pest Treatment
Twiddy is not licensed to distribute, deliver, or administer pesticides, sprays, or treatments. If your situation requires any such action, we can reimburse you for the purchase of your own treatment or can coordinate having a licensed pest control company to address the situation. It is often quicker and less disruptive to your vacation to purchase your own sprays or traps from a local hardware or grocery store. If you do so, please save your receipt to provide to the nearest Twiddy office so that we can reimburse you for the expense.
If you would prefer to have a licensed professional treat your rental home, please reach out to our Maintenance Department at (252) 457-1504 so that we can facilitate that service with a local vendor. Please bear in mind that service turnaround cannot be guaranteed by Twiddy, as these vendors are not managed by or directly affiliated with our company.
Please also keep in mind that even pest control companies cannot treat for flying insects like midges, mosquitos, and flies. Pests with a centralized nest, such as hornets, wasps, or bees, can be removed
Midges are small flying insects that resemble mosquitoes, however, they do not bite. They sometimes emerge in large numbers near channels, creeks, and large bodies of water such as the sound. Swarms can be dense enough to interfere with outdoor activities. Midges tend to gather in very large, dense masses on the sides of homes, decks, vegetation
If you should need any additional assistance, please reach out to our offices at (252) 457-1504
Pools and Spas
Pools and Spas are excellent alternatives to the ocean for enjoying time in the water. If you are experiencing an issue with
There is sand in the pool/spa
Sand frequently blows into most pools, particularly those nearest the oceanfront or large sand-dunes. Those in your party that
My pool is not heating
Pool heaters are only available seasonally by
Check the water-flow from jets
If the water flowing from this area is warmer than the surrounding water, then your heater is functioning and may just need more time to take effect.
My spa is not heating
Spas that are not heating properly can be caused by one of several common issues. Not leaving the cover on your spa while it is not in use can cause the tub’s heat to escape and water temperatures to be chilled by cooler air. The other most common issues are those relating to power. Spas may default themselves into “economy” mode if not used for extended durations, in an effort to save power. A tripped breaker may also cause total power loss and subsequent loss of heat.
- Keep the spa covered when not in use.
- Check the spa display panel, if available, for any error or alternative-mode messages. Adjusting the temperature to a higher setting may “wake” the spa out of economy mode.
- Resetting the spa may bring the unit back into normal functioning mode. Try to locate a small gray/black panel box within the vicinity of the tub to perform a reset. Depending on the style of the box, you may need to open its cover or door to access the controls. If you are comfortable doing so, switching the tub OFF or fully disconnecting the unit for a few moments before powering the unit back on may restore the spa to normal function.
My pool/spa is dirty
Please keep in mind your pool/spa may not have been serviced by the time you check into your rental home. Pool Vendors work extended hours due to weekend traffic delays and full servicing may not occur until after
- You can test the cleanliness of the water by dipping a clear drinking glass into the pool to collect a water sample. If the water appears clear, then staining or sand may have given the illusion of an unserviced pool. If the water appears cloudy or discolored, then we may need to have the Pool Vendor assess further.
- If you cannot see the bottom of the pool due to water cloudiness or discoloration, please call our offices.
- Please skim excess surface debris from the water to maintain water clarity.
- Advise your guests to shower off before entering the pool or spa. Sunscreen can be very damaging to the filters and may cause the water condition to suffer.
- Overuse of pools and spas can also negatively impact water condition and increase the risk of bacterial contamination. Limit use to reasonable groups of guests for short durations.
- Do not remove the floating chemical dispenser for any reason, as these actively maintain appropriate chemical levels in spas and some pools.
- Pets are not allowed in pools or spas, as they can significantly increase the risk of bacterial contamination and cause damage to the filters.
- Turning off exterior pool lighting at night when the pool is not in use may mitigate swarms of flying insects that congregate in these areas, and inadvertently land in the water.
The water is not circulating, filtering, or flowing
Whether this condition is present
- Maintain the water level of your pool or spa. Water should be at least ¾ up the skimmer-box and above all jets in order to prevent mechanical damage. A hose should be available in the pool area to add water as necessary.
Someone has had an “accident” in the pool or spa
Fecal accidents require the immediate closure of any pool or spa. Please report all accidents promptly and do not allow anyone to re-enter the water until a full treatment has been completed. Failure to comply can cause serious illness.
- Frequent bathroom breaks for children are necessary to prevent such occurrences.
- Unchanged diapers spread bacteria in the water and cause similar health concerns.
- Children under the age of 12 are prohibited from entering spas at any time.
The pool or spa is losing water
The most common causes for loss of water levels is excessive splashing and evaporation. Keeping your spa covered while not in use will mitigate any evaporation. Aside from limiting splashing, pool water levels can best be maintained by adding water with the nearest hose.
- If you notice excessive water loss, this may indicate a leak of some kind. Please reach out to our offices so we may identify the source of the issue.
We are experiencing the sensation of a Ground Current
Occasionally, some pools and spas in Dare and Currituck counties experience a mild ground current. While this occurrence is typically intermittent and benign, it may be more prevalent in different areas of The Outer Banks depending on environmental conditions. Using rubber mats (when available) or rolled up towels as platforms for entry and exit into the water can mitigate the effects of this current.
- If the ground current becomes more frequent, intense, or sustained, please cease use of the pool or spa until we can have a licensed electrician evaluate.
If you should need any additional assistance, please reach out to our offices at (252) 457-1504.
The safety and security of you, your family, friends, and guests are of the utmost importance to Twiddy.
Locks - Keyless Entry and Keyed Entry
The main entry of your home will be outfitted with either a hard/physical key-lock or a keyless entry system. Upon arrival, our agents at the front desk will review with you which style lock your home features and how to operate that system. If for any reason you have difficulty locking or unlocking the home, please see below.
My keys are not working
Be sure that the label on your key-tag matches the name and house number reflected on the home as well as your check-in
My keyless entry system is not working
Keyless entry codes are time sensitive and only activate at the time arrival services have been completed at your rental home, or after
- Does the lock mechanism have power? If it does, pressing any button should produce a brief flash of light and an audible beep. If there appears to be no power, please call our offices for further assistance.
- Normal operation procedures are shown below:
- Press buttons firmly and one at a time.
- A successful keystroke yields a brief GREEN flash and BEEP.
- Be sure to enter ALL digits and any special characters such as a #.
- A RED flash indicates an error. Wait until the flashing stops before your next attempt.
- A sustained GREEN flash and BEEP indicates a successful code entry.
- Turn the deadbolt
pr push down the lever to unlock the door. - If you turned the deadbolt, you may now turn the doorknob to open the door.
![]() |
Deadbolt Style Lock Operating Instructions To Unlock To Lock |
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Lever Style Lock Operating Instructions To Unlock To Lock |
Keyless entry timing sensitivities
- Allowing a time lapse of 5 seconds or more between pressing buttons will result in the lock registering an incorrect code.
- 4 incorrect code entries will result in the lock going into a
LOCK OUT mode, indicated by a45 second interval of continuous red flashing lights. Any subsequent incorrect codes will yield yet anotherLOCK OUT mode. Do not reattempt entry until theLOCK OUT mode has lapsed and all flashing lights have subsided. - After a successful code entry, you have 5 seconds to turn the deadbolt or depress the lever before the lock registers an abandoned entry and re-locks itself automatically.
Entry instructions should also be provided in your check-in materials. Bear in mind, some homes feature different style lock mechanisms, though instructions for each style should be provided. If none of the above suggestions explain or resolve your issue, please call our offices so we may dispatch someone to assist in person.
Lift-n-Lock Door Handles
Some homes feature doors that have a lift-n-lock entry system. These door systems have a lever action handle that can be lifted and depressed in either direction, as well as a deadbolt latch. If you are having difficulty opening this style door, please keep in mind the following.
- To lock or unlock, lift the door handle upwards. While in the upwards position, turn the deadbolt to either the locked or unlocked position depending on what you are doing. Unlocking usually means turning the deadbolt away from the door jamb.
- If you were attempting to unlock the door, you may now depress the door handle to open the door.
Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
If any of
- If the alarm is actively sounding and there is evidence of smoke or fire, please make sure everyone in your party safely exits the home. Once everyone is outside and accounted for, please immediately call 911.
- If the alarm is actively sounding and there is NO evidence of smoke or fire, double check the home to be sure you have not overlooked any hazards. False alarms can be caused by high heat, moisture, dust, and humidity which affect the sensors in the alarm. Be sure to secure any open windows or doors that might be contributing to false alarms of
these sort .
Pool Alarms
- Please do not disarm these alarms, as they are a necessary safety feature.
Security Alarms
If your home features a Security Alarm, these items are typically activated in the off-season when the home is uninhabited. Use of these alarms is strictly limited to personal home-owner use and is not available as an amenity for guests. If for any reason the alarm is activated or is actively sounding during your stay, please reach out to Twiddy immediately so that we may coordinate deactivation.
If you should need any additional assistance, please reach out to our offices at (252) 457-1504
Water and Plumbing
Are you experiencing an issue with water or plumbing in your rental home? Let’s check a few things to see what might be the issue. In addition to the below troubleshooting items, please also consider some environmental impacts and conservation tips.
Environmental Impacts
Wind-driven rain
Storms that produce heavy rain and high winds can lead to leakage around windows, slider doors, and other points of entry. There are no active measures that can be taken to resolve this issue UNTIL the rain subsides. Until conditions improve, we advise placing towels at window or door
Well-Water Conditions (4x4 Beaches)
Homes with private wells occasionally experience low pressure, salty, distasteful, or discolored water. There may also be an unpleasant sulfur odor. Private well water may discolor hair and/or clothing. Many guests choose to use bottled water for drinking purposes, even though the water is tested regularly for contaminants. All homes in the 4x4 area have private wells and may have more prevalent water problems, even in homes with water filtration systems. Please keep in mind that these conditions are common for this area of the beach, and while water remains safe to use and is regularly tested and treated, we can gladly have specialists determine if further treatment is necessary. Always feel free to reach out if conditions worsen or seem beyond comfortable use.
Loss of Water Service (Nags Head through Corolla)
Total loss of water service (to all plumbing fixtures) in a home on the paved areas of The Outer Banks is likely directly related to an area outage through Public Utilities. Please notify Twiddy immediately if you experience total water loss so that we may coordinate with the local
Loss of Water Service (4x4 Beaches)
Total loss of water service (to all plumbing fixtures) in a home on the 4x4 beaches is likely due to a power outage, as these homes are serviced through private wells that require electric pumps.
Whether the leak is coming from a pipe, plumbing fixture, toilet, or appliance, it always best to first attempt to turn off the water source so that the leak is no longer active. A shut-off valve should be in close proximity, and if located, we advise to please turn it to the OFF position.
If you cannot locate the shut-off valve, are unable to stop the flow of water, or there is residual dripping, please find a suitable receptacle to collect the water in order to contain and prevent any further damage or impacts to the home. A bucket, pot, trashcan, cooler, or even towels can help to temporarily contain the effects of a leak.
In any case, please contact our offices so that we may dispatch someone to address the leak in person.
If you should need any additional assistance, please reach out to our offices at (252) 457-1504
Trash & Recycling
Are you unsure how trash and recycling are handled in your area of the beach? First, check which community your home is located in. The community name is listed on the home's webpage, on the reservation details when you login to your account or mobile app, and your lease agreement. Then visit our Trash page to view the most recent community trash and recycling schedule as well as some general reminders.
If you should need any additional assistance, please reach out to our offices at (252) 457-1504.
County Services
Dare County Non-Emergency → (252) 473-3444
Dare County Sheriff Department → (252) 475-5980
Currituck County Non-Emergency → (252) 232-2216
Currituck County Sheriff Department → (252) 453-2121
After Hours Emergencies
If immediate police, fire or emergency medical assistance is needed, call 911.
Property damaging emergencies are responded to until 10:00 pm. Property damaging emergencies can include:
- You are locked out of your vacation home
- A substantial plumbing issue
- Major electrical problems
- Loss of water in the entire home
- Loss of propane affecting the stove or hot water heater
Call (252) 457-1100 if you have a property damaging emergency at your vacation home during your stay.
For non-property damaging emergencies, please leave a voicemail with your property number and a detailed description of the issue.